The Taylight Zone - Anthology Eight

01 - Killing Taylor Hanson - Amerika

When I pulled the trigger, his head splattered left in a completely ungraceful spray of red and pink, which disappointed me. I was more upset with myself than I was with Taylor, I think - I'd always pictured a beautiful death for him, with strycchnine perhaps, and a glass coffin - but there really wasn't any hope for that now, not with the way his skull was broken.

He lay at my feet, having fallen into the red mess on the floor, and his clothes were already soaking it up. His face was most assuredly a dead one, with shreds of skin hanging like fringes where his cheek was pressing against the floor, though his ice-blue eyes were frozen open in their look of shock and surprise. I was glad he'd never had time to think about the situation, or my conscience might've haunted me.

"You be pretty for the angels, now," I instructed as a rivulet of blood trickled from the corner of his mouth, matting his heathery blonde hair. I smiled, secured my .45 back into the holster on my hip, and walked away.


