The Taylight Zone - Anthology Six

03 - The Hungry Little Blue Gem - Allyson

The gem was blue.

It was also light-weight.

Taylor carefully looked it over. It seemed to be made of crystal, but it was blue. Dark blue, much like oceans and seas. It was about an inch tall, a centimeter thick, and two inches long. It looked like your standered crafted crystal, but it was more rectangular, and both sides looked the same - it didn't come out to a point. It was smooth all around, and looked like it could fetch a small fortune all by itself. Taylor was puzzled. Why would a fan send a piece of jewelry that looked like it was worth thousands?
Taylor looked back into the small box, to see if there was some note or letter that had come with it. Indeed, there was a small note. It read: "Taylor, please take care of my little blue gem. Remember to keep it warm, to wash it, and to feed it. If you don't feed it, it will find it's own food. Thanx, Monica."

Taylor laughed quietly. "Remember to feed it? How in God's name are you to feed a gem? Fine. I'll let it 'find it's own food'." He took the gem up to his room (which he shared with Isaac and Zac, so it wasn't really his own room) and placed the gem on his dresser. Then, glancing at his watch and seeing it was close to 10:00pm, he crawled into bed, and quickly fell asleep.


I need food.

The gem began to awaken inside. A soft, eerie, misty blue light was emitted, so it could find it's way. Slowly, it moved along the length of the dresser, as thoughts were processed inside.

A soft voice came from the gem. Soft, and young.
"I'm hungry."

It reached the edge of the dresser. A few gear shifts inside, and gem began to float. It moved quite slowly, making it's way to a food source.

"I'm hungry."

A small figure layed on the floor, just outside the room. The gem shifted gears, and began to descend. When it reached the throat of the figure, more gears shifted. Slowly, from the bottom side of the gem, two short, and very sharp needles protruded.
"I'm hungry."

When the needles were all the way out, the gem shot forward, sinking the needles into the throat of the figure.

"I'm hungry."

Blood began to ooze from the skin. The gem quickly sucked it up, enjoying the first taste of food for days. It drank and drank, until there was nothing more to drink. Then, satisfied, the gem withdrew the needles, and, with a great many gear shifts, returned to the shelf, the percise spot in which it had come. Quietly, the voice area shut down, then the blue glow disappeared. With one more gear shift, the gem went back to sleep.

"Taylor, Taylor! Wake up! Wicket won't wake up!" Avery's whiney voice jolted Taylor from his peaceful sleep. The young girl had tears running down her cheeks, and looked like she had just woken up.

Obediently, Taylor draged himself from his bed, and followed Avery to Wicket's sleeping spot, just outside his room. He knelt down, and placed a hand on the small dog's side, and gently shook the animal.
Nothing happened.

Taylor, now puzzled, began to wonder if the impossible had happened. He placed a finger next to Wicket's neck, checking for a pulse.


Panic began to course through Taylor. He looked up at Avery. "Was he like this when you first found him?"

"Yes!" Avery was crying again.

"Okay, Avery? I want you to wake up Mom and Dad Tell them that something's wrong with Wicket."

"Dead? Is he DEAD? DEAD!!????" Avery let out a wail that shook the windows. It didn't take long for the whole household to gather wound the small dog.

Yes, indeed.

Wicket was dead.

"Well, the tests have come back from earlier today." Diana walked into the kitchen, and looked over her family. Jessica, Avery, and Mackie were all still crying. Isaac seemed quite shocked, Zac was heartbroken, and Taylor still felt lost. "They think Wicket just...stopped breathing." Diana looked guilty about something, but didn't say any more.

She's hiding something, Taylor realized.

But what?

Later, in his room, Taylor stared at the little blue gem on his dresser. An absurd thought ran through his head.

The gem did it.

What? What did his head say?

The gem has something to do with it.

It's a gem, his rational side argued back, it can't kill.

But, how do you know that, his other side argued back.

Taylor sat there, listening to his two sides of his head argue back and forth. His rational side against his......well, a tad crazy side. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he layed down, and fell asleep to the soft sounds of his brothers snoring softly.


I need food.

The gem began to awaken inside. A soft, eerie, misty blue light was emitted, so it could find it's way. Slowly, it moved along the length of the dresser, as thoughts were processed inside.

A soft voice came from the gem. Soft, and young.

"I'm hungry."

It reached the edge of the dresser. A few gear shifts inside, and gem began to float. It moved quite slowly, making it's way to a food source.

"I'm hungry."

A large figure layed on nearby bed, sleeping softly. The gem shifted gears, and it began to make it's way to the figure. When it reached the throat of the figure, more gears shifted. Slowly, from the bottom side of the gem, two short, and very sharp needles protruded.
"I'm hungry."

When the needles were all the way out, the gem shot forward, sinking the needles into the throat of the figure.

"I'm hungry."

Blood began to ooze from the skin. The gem quickly sucked it up, enjoying the taste of a second meal. It drank and drank, until there was nothing more to drink. Then, satisfied, the gem withdrew the needles, and, with a great many gear shifts, returned to the shelf, the percise spot in which it had come. Quietly, the voice area shut down, then the blue glow disappeared. With one more gear shift, the gem went back to sleep.

Avery shook her mother awake. Tears were running down her cheeks, and she looked even more frightened then she had been the day before, when Wicket had died.

"Mommy, mommy, something's wrong!" The little girl cried.

"What is it, baby?" Diana sat up, and gave her daughter a hug. "What's wrong?"

"I went into Ike & Zac & Tay's room to wake 'em up, and Tay won't wake up. He's all pale, and it looks like he's not breathing. Mommy, he didn't die like Wicket did, did he? He's not dead, right? Right?"


